Lucky 6 Affiliate Program
Earn up to $129.59 per sale!
How it works
There are 2 levels of affiliates. Level 1 and Level 2. You will earn a percentage based on the total sale amount. Level 1 affiliates start earning at 5% and level 2 affiliates earn 10% per each sale. Once your account reaches $50 or more, you will be able to withdraw your earnings. You’re in complete control of how much you earn! Just simply Contact Us to sign up today!
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Activate your affiliate account here!
Our Features
All Hosting Plans Include

Get On Google in 24 hrs
SEO Tools with Attracta are available to get you on Google extra fast!

99.9% Uptime

1 Click App Installs
Install the most popular Apps with only 1-Click including WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla

SSL Certificates
Free HTTPS via Let’s Encrypt with many SSL upgrade options available

Developer Friendly

Server Rewind Backups
Easily restore your data in the event of accidental deletion, file corruption, or mistakes!

Solid State Drives
SSD hosting for all of your files, databases and OS!

cPanel Control Panel
Easily manage your Email, Software, Domains, and Databases

Hassle Free 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Try us risk free and if we’re not the right host for you, we’ll issue a complete refund